Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Dear Friend A Very Warm Welcome To
Be A Part Of Digital Campaign, Ablaze Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Working Since 2010.
Now get paid by working on Facebook and other social media platforms.
India's First Social Media Exchange Company, Which helps their client to get as much traffic on their website (filtered/customized as per client needs), Clients can choose for which age group or profession they want their website to promote.
Socialtrade is a platform where you can earn from ₹50 to ₹1250 every day, simply by visiting website or liking Facebook page.
100% Genuine 100% Legal and registered company in India and following Legal guidelines

Joining Plans:-
STP- 10:- It will Cost you ₹5750*, Validity: 12 Months, You get 500 Likes/Visitors on you Page/Website, Daily Work : 10 Links, Payment Per Click :₹5.
Income 10x5=₹50 daily(Approx ₹13200 per year)
STP- 20:- It will Cost you ₹11500*, Validity: 12 Months, You get 1000 Likes/Visitors on you Page/Website, Daily Work : 20 Links, Payment Per Click :₹5.
Income 20X5=₹100 daily(Approx ₹26400 per year)
STP- 50:-, It will Cost you ₹28750*, Validity: 12 Months, You get 3000 Likes/Visitors on you Page/Website, Daily Work : 50 Links, Payment Per Click :₹5.
Income 50X5=₹250 daily(Approx ₹66000 per year)
STP- 100:-, It will Cost you ₹57500*, Validity: 12 Months, You get 6000 Likes/Visitors on you Page/Website, Daily Work : 125 Links, Payment Per Click :₹5.
Income 125X5=₹625 daily(Approx ₹165000 per year)
You can Also Promote your Business on their website as you get different no of visitors to your website as per your selected plan.
Note :-
(1) Each Pack valid for 12 Months.
(2) You won't get any Link on Saturday and Sunday. 
(3) Facebook account is required.
(4) All Payments are maid using bank account only and PAN Card is Required
(5) Only One ID per Pan Card is allowed.
Marketing strategy :-
Now You can Maximize you income with below Marketing Strategies if you want.
A) Booster Income:
If you make two joining of same Plan as yours (One Each Side, left and right), Then you will get Double Links and your Per Day Income will be Doubled.e.g , After Booster you get.
1. 5750= 10*2 Links, daily 20x5=Rs 100 daily(Approx ₹26400 per year)
2. 11450=20*2 Links daily, 40X5=Rs 200 daily(Approx ₹52800 per year)
3. 28625= 50*2 Links daily, 100X5=Rs 500 daily(Approx ₹132000 per year)
4. 57250=125*2 Links daily 250X5=Rs 1250 daily(Approx ₹330000 per year)
(B) Binary Income:
For Each 1:1 Matching you get 10%.
You will get 10% of the Matching bonus from your left and right.
If you make Rs 10,000/- business on your left and right then you will get Rs 1,000/-
Same way if you make Rs 50,000 /- business on both left and right side, you will get Rs. 5,000/-
Note :-
There is a weekly capping for each pack as below.
1. 5750 - ₹50,000
2. 11,500 - ₹1,00,000
3. 28,750 - ₹2,00,000
4. 57,500 - ₹2,00,000
(C) Monthly Rewards:
10 BV L : 10 BV R = LDP
25 BV L : 25 BV R = Tablet
120 BV L : 120 BV R = LAPTOP
And on and on..............
Note :- 10,000₹ business is called 1 BV
(D) Royalty Income:
500 BV L : 500 BV R = 50,000/- pm
2000 BV L : 2000 BV R =1,00,000/- pm
5000 BV L : 5000 BV R = 2,00,000/-pm
10000 BV L :10000 BV R = 5,00,000/- pm
25000 BV L : 25000 BV R =10,00,000/-pm
Royalty Income is Per month for 1 Year.
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
10% TDS will be deducted from the income you get.
Payout will go direct to your linked bank.
Note:- For Daily payout 5% , Weekly Payout 3% and Monthly Payout 1% Admin fees will be charged extra.

## Best ever platform over web to earn and promote at the same time ##
A brand under Ablaze Info Solutions Private Limited
Highlights of Project

1. 100% Genuine likes or visits on your facebook page or blog
2. Cost per like or cost per click is cheaper than the price of facebook and google
3. Generation of work is based on Reseller API based model
4. Free of cost opportunity to work from home
5. Daily Payments in bank account
6. Six years experience of market
7. Fully professional Team
8. Dedicated Support
9. Mobile Friendly Website
10. No Minimum bar for payments to be transferred
Product/ Services
STP - 20
11500.00 (Inclusive of all taxes)
1000 ePoints*
20 PTL per day**
1 Lakh capping per week
12 Months Validity
STP - 50
28750.00 (Inclusive of all taxes)
3000 ePoints
50 PTL per day
2 Lakh capping per day
12 Months Validity
STP - 100
57500.00 (Inclusive of all taxes)
6000 ePoints
125 PTL per day
2 Lakh capping per day
12 Months Validity
* 1 ePoint can be used to promote your social campaign to 1 Person
** PTL stands for Part time Links, for which company will pay 5/- per link clicked
Complete 2 sales in 1:1 ratio in 20 days and get chance to double your part time work i.e double your income
Marketing Model
Binary model , which is based on 1:1 ratio
10% of the sales balancing is rewarded as binary or promotional income
1. Purely service based industry
2. Taxable Invoice
3. TDS submission on time
4. No e-wallet
5. Payment Modes : Credit Card, Debit Card, DD, NEFT
6. All legal documents ( PAN, Service Tax Number, TAN, ROC)
7. Physical Office in India
8. No Cash is allowed
9. Maximum 3 ID's on a single PAN Card
10. 10 days refund policy
To become No. 1 company in the field of Digital Marketing in world
To Become Member of and join the one of the best group within Socialtrade

Dear Friends,
A Very Warm Welcome To
Be A Part Of Digital Campaign

Ablaze Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
An ISO 2008 certified Company.
Working Since 2010.
Following rules
10 Days Look Up Period.
You can ask for Refund of your money if not satisfied with the company's plan within 10 Days.
भारत की एकमात्र सोशल मीडिया एक्सचेंज प्रोग्राम कंपनी।
जहाँ पर कंपनी का उद्देश्य है अपने ग्राहकों (Clients) को उनकी वेबसाइट पर अधिक से अधिक ट्रैफिक (filter/customize deta) प्रदान करना।
जहां पर हम केवल लाईक करके या वेबसाइट्स के लिंक पर क्लिक करके रोज़ाना कमा सकते हैं ₹50 से लेकर ₹ 625 तक।
अगर नेटवर्क बना सकते हैं तो अपार संभावनाएं आपका इंतजार कर रही हैं।
100% Geniune ,
Joining Packages:-
1. 5750= 10 likes daily, 10x5=50 Rs daily earning
2. 11500=20 likes daily, 20X5=100 Rs daily earning
3. 28750= 50 likess daily, 50X5= 250 daily earning
4. 57500=125 likess daily, 125X5=625 Rs daily earning
वह भी लगातार 12 महीने तक के लिये।।
Note :-
सभी पैकेज 12 महीने तक वैध।
शनिवार रविवार छुट्टी।
(3) Facebook account
होना अनिवार्य।
सभी प्रकार का लेन देन बैंक माध्यम द्वारा हीं होगा। PAN card अनिवार्य है।
Marketing strategy :-
बूस्टर इंकम
आप अपने जैसे दो वर्करों को इस बिजनेस में अपने निचे लेफ्ट और राईट ज्वाईन करवाते हैं तो आपके पास आने वाले लाइक्स् की संख्या डबल हो जाती है।
आपकी आमदनी भी।
बाइनरी इंकम :
की मैचिंग पर 10% है
आपके लेफ्ट और राईट के मेचिंग बिजनेस का 10% आपका कमिशन होगा
अगर आपके लेफ्ट में 10,000 का बिजनेस होता है और राईट में भी 10,000 का बिजनेस होता है तो आपकी बाइनरी इंकम 1,000/- ₹ होगी।
अगर दोनों तरफ 25,000 का बिजनेस होता है तो आपकी बाइनरी इंकम 2,000 ₹ होगी।
कैपिंग :
ज्वाईनिंग विकली कैपिंग
1. 5725
₹ 50,000 ₹
2. 11,450
₹ 1,00,000 ₹
3. 28,625
₹ 2,00,000 ₹
4. 57,250
₹ 2,00,000 ₹
अधिकत्तम बाइनरी इंकम आठ लाख महिना हो सकती है।
मंथली रिवार्डस् :
10 BV L : 10 BV R = LDP
25 BV L : 25 BV R = Tablet
50 BV L : 50 BV R = Foreign Trip
And on and on..............
Note : 10,000
के बिजनेस को 1 BV कहते हैं।
D. Royality Income :
500 BV L : 500 BV R = 50,000/- pm
2000 BV L : 2000 BV R =1,00,000/- pm
5000 BV L : 5000 BV R = 2,00,000/-pm
10000 BV L :10000 BV R = 5,00,000/- pm
25000 BV L : 25000 BV R =10,00,000/-pm
Royality Income is Per month
पेआऊट मोड तीन हैं।
रोजाना , विकली और मंथली
5% TDS
पेआऊट डायरेक्टली आपके बैंक खाते में आएगा
Note :
डेली पेआऊट पर 5% , विकली पेआऊट पर 3% तथा मंथली पेआऊट पर 1% एडमिन चार्ज कटेगा।
अगर आप जेनुइन काम करना चाहते है तो
Sponser id- 61101376 (Left Side)
Promotional Link:…
उपर वाले लिंक पर क्लिक करके फ्री में ज्वाईनिंग कर सकते हैं।
आई.डी. एक्टिव करवाने के लिए मुझे काॅल करें


      ଗ୍ରାହକ ବୃନ୍ଦ !!!
ଖୁସି ଖବର!!!                       ଖୁସି ଖବର!!!                ଖୁସି ଖବର!!!

                     କନକା ଓ ଡ଼ିମିରିଆ ପଞ୍ଚାୟତ ନିଵାସୀ ମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ସମସ୍ତ ପ୍ରକାର ସରକାରୀ ସେବା ଓ ସୁବିଧା ନିମନ୍ତେ ନୂତନ ଭାବରେ କନକା-ଡ଼ିମିରିଆ ଛକରେ ଜନସେବା ଓ ଗ୍ରାହକ ସେବାକେନ୍ଦ୍ର ଆରମ୍ଭ କରାଗଲା

ଗ୍ରାହକ ସେବାକେନ୍ଦ୍ର ଦ୍ୱାରା ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ସେବାମାନ 

ଖାତା ଖୋଲା ହେବା 
ଦୈନିକ 10000 ଟଙ୍କା ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଜମା 
ଦୈନିକ 10000 ଟଙ୍କା ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଉଠାଣ 
ଖାତାର ମିନି ବିବରଣୀ 
ସ୍ୱୟଂ ସହାୟକ ଗୋଷ୍ଠୀର ଖାତା ଚାଲୁ ରଖିବା 

10000 ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଧନ ସ୍ଥାନାନ୍ତରଣ 

ଜନସେବା କେନ୍ଦ୍ର ଦ୍ୱାରା ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ସେବାମାନ

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



AREA: 598 km2 (Khallikote) REVENUE: ?? ACCESSION: ??
AREA: 686 km2 (Atagada) DYNASTY: ? RELIGION: Hindu
STATE: Ganjam Distt. VILLAGES: 238 (Khallikote) VILLAGES: 203 (Atagada)

PRESENT RULER: Rani Saheba V. Sugyani Kumari Deo

born 5th August 1937, daughter of Raja R.V.M. Neeladri Rao, M.A. (Social Work), Diploma in Homeopathy, Diploma in Stenography, Diploma in Interior Decoration, Member of the Orissa Legislative Assembly 19637/1967 and 1974/1980 and 1985/2000, Chairperson of the Women's Welfare Committee 1992/1995, Member of the Senate of Berhampur University 1985/1986, President of the Regional Co-Operative Marketing Society in Khallikote. (Rambha Palace, At/P.O-Rambha, Distt.-Ganjam, Orissa, India)

Raja RAGHUNATHA DEVA RANA, married 2 daughters of the Raja of Puri.
Raja VISHVAMBHARA DEVA RANA, married 1stly, a daughter of Raja Rama Kesari Singh of Puri, married 2ndly, a daughter of Amir Singh of Rewah.
Raja GANGA PERSHAD DEO, married daughter of Maharaja Sivanand Singh of Benares, and had issue.

Raja KIRTHAN DEO, married and had issue.

Raja SHYAM SUNDAR DEO, married 2 daughters of Ratur Bhibul Singh of Benares, and had issue.

Raja GANGADHAR DEO, married and had issue.

Raja VIKRAMA DEO, married 2 daughters of Mahadeo Singh of Benares.
Raja HARICHARAN SINGH DEO, Chotra Sahib, married the grand-daughter of the Raja of Parla.
Raja BALA KESWARA SINGH Marda Raja Deo, married the daughter of the Raja of Surangi.
Raja Sahib Mehrban-i-Dostan Shri Raja NARAYANA Marda Raja Deo (qv)
Rajkumari (name unknown) [Rani Saheba of Dharakote], married Raja BRAJA SUNDAR SINGH of Dharakote.
Raja Sahib Mehrban-i-Dostan Shri Raja NARAYANA Marda Raja Deo, married 1stly, the daughter of the Raja of Baudh, married 2ndly, a lady of the Routh family, married 3rdly, daughter of Bishwanath Singh of Tekkali, and had issue, 3 sons and 5 daughters. He died aged 53.
Raja Sahib Mehrban-i-Dostan Sri HARIHAR Mardaraj Deo Bahadur (qv)
Daughter1, married Raja RAGHUNATH SINGH of Bali Atagada in Orissa.
Daughter3, married the Raja of Dharakote.
Daughter5, married the Raja of Surangi.
Raja Sahib Mehrban-i-Dostan Sri HARIHAR Mardaraj Deo Bahadur, born 10th July 1872 at Khallikote, succeeded in 1887 as a minor, founder and patron of Khallikote College, married 1stly, 1894, eldest daughter of Babu Brindabhan Chandra Bhanj Deo, Chotra Sahib of Mayurbhanj, married 2ndly, 1895, sister of the first wife, and had issue. He died 1909.
Son (by 2nd wife), born 1898, died aged 8 months.
Son (by 2nd wife), born 1899,
Lt. Raja Bahadur Sri RAMCHANDRA Marda Raja Deo Bahadur (by 2nd wife) (qv)
Rajkumari (name unknown) [Rani Sahiba of Surangi] (eldest daughter), married Raja CHANDRACHUDA MANI Harishchandra Jagadev of Surangi, and had issue, three sons and two daughters.
Lt. Raja Bahadur Sri RAMCHANDRA Marda Raja Deo Bahadur, born January 1900, Raja Saheb of Khallikote as well as Raja Saheb of Atagada and Biridi estates; educated at Newington Institution and Madras Christian College, MLC (Madras), Raja (personal) [cr.1929], hereditary [cr.1934], Raja Bahadur [cr.1936], married Rani Chandra Priya Devi, the only daughter of Lal Saheb Dhiraraj Singh Deo of ‘Nua Pacca II’ (see Seraikella), and had issue, one son.
Raja PURNA CHANDRA Mardaraj Deo (qv)

Raja PURNA CHANDRA Mardaraj Deo, married Rani Saheba V. Sugyani Kumari Deo (qv). He died sp.

Rani Saheba V. Sugyani Kumari Deo (see above)